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7 Schlechtwettertipps


English Baby Music Class
Montag, 11. September 2023, 10:30 - 11:15
The English Baby Music class is an English-language singing and movement class for children aged up to 3 years, accompanied by a parent/grandparent/caregiver.
The classes are led by a native-speaker (singer/teacher/mother) from Toronto, Canada and are full of songs with actions and props (plastic animals, bubbles, parachute, etc.), nursery rhymes and stories.
It is both a musical and educational setting, while simultaneously engaging in a social and fun atmosphere.
The aim is to give 45 minutes of special musical time to your child in a small, safe and nurturing group. You don’t have to be Beyoncé or know any of the English songs/rhymes in advance! Everyone is there to learn! Just be yourself and let loose and join in! In this class, your focus will be 100% on your child to sing with them and watch them engage in and learn new words, interact with other children in their age group, explore new materials and simply just make beautiful memories.
 Ein 8-Wochen Kurs voller Spiel, Spaß & Musik :)
Ort Nebensitz, Linzerstraße 365, 1140 Wien

English Baby Music Class

Montag, 11. September 2023 10:30 - 11:15
The English Baby Music class is an English-language singing and movement class for children aged up to 3 years, accompanied by a parent/grandparent/caregiver.
The classes are led by a native-speaker (singer/teacher/mother) from Toronto, Canada and are full of songs with actions and props (plastic animals, bubbles, parachute, etc.), nursery rhymes and stories.
It is both a musical and educational setting, while simultaneously engaging in a social and fun atmosphere.
The aim is to give 45 minutes of special musical time to your child in a small, safe and nurturing group. You don’t have to be Beyoncé or know any of the English songs/rhymes in advance! Everyone is there to learn! Just be yourself and let loose and join in! In this class, your focus will be 100% on your child to sing with them and watch them engage in and learn new words, interact with other children in their age group, explore new materials and simply just make beautiful memories.
 Ein 8-Wochen Kurs voller Spiel, Spaß & Musik :)
Veranstaltungsort: Nebensitz, Linzerstraße 365, 1140 Wien
Kontakt :
Preis: 115€
Anmeldung erforderlich


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